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Writing a Letter
Anyone may provide written comments on each application by email to
Dowload our "Letter Writing and Presentation Tips" Document here (or scroll down to see it online).

Attending the Meeting
Limited space is available to attend the meeting in person. It is our understanding that if too many people show up, a room with the livestream will be made available.  Contact the City Clerk's Office at or 705-324-9411 ext. 1322 to confirm space at the meeting, or get links to participate electronically. Alternatively, access the meeting livestream on the Kawartha Lakes YouTube Channel at . The meeting is in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 26 Francis Street, Lindsay. The doors open at 12:30pm.

Making a Presentation
If you would like to make a presentation email with the following information:
-your name (first and last)
-the agenda item you wish to speak to: Agenda Item 3.1 PLAN2023-047. The rezoning application number is D06-2023-017.
-any visual materials such a pictures or a PowerPoint presentation
-whether you would prefer to attend the meeting in person or via zoom
Download our "Letter Writing and Presentation Tips" Document (or scroll down to see it online).


Write a letter, make a presentation or attend the September 13, 2023 Planning Advisory Committee Meeting regarding Flato's Rezoning Application for the Cameron "Kawartha Bay Resort" Development. You can download the Planning Opinion Report here (this is a sizable file that summarizes the planned project; we have highlighted the most relevant portions).

Letter-writing and Presentation Tips

  1. Keep it short. The planning committee and city Councillors have a lot of reading to do. Short and sweet makes your point best.

  2. Focus on one or two issues that you know best. If you are on Long Beach Road you may wish to focus on the environmental impact of the plan on water quality for the lake or your wells, or the impact of traffic on the community.

  3. End your letter with a clear “ask.” What do you want to happen with regard to this proposal? The current proposal has reports that were commissioned by Flato, and is weak on many details.  At this point, asking for an independent environmental assessment of the implications of this plan for water quality, or for an independent traffic impact study would be appropriate, or for more details on other issues would be a good idea.

  4. Be respectful and stay focused on the proposed development. Your letter should be about the plan and the company that has proposed it, not the CEO himself. Unless of course you are referring to the Greenbelt scandal and the close friendship of Mr. Rehmatullah with the Premier! But if you are just talking about this project, talk about what Flato wants to do, and the plans that it has submitted.

Issues to Address in Your Letter or Presentation

  1. Environmental Impact on Water Quality. Flato proposes to draw water from the lake for the development. Wastewater will then be treated, diverted into sanitation ponds, and used for irrigation on the golf course. Since the ground in this area is thin soil on limestone, all of the irrigation water, along with pesticides and herbicides from the golf course, will flow into to the lake. This will not only pollute the lake, but also the wells of the remaining houses on Long Beach. Ask for an independent environmental assessment of the impact of the development on the lake and ground-water quality.

  2. Environmental Impact on At-Risk Species. While the plan includes a small environmentally protected area, the diverse habitat of wetland, woods, and alvar that the development is on supports many at risk species that will have their habitats destroyed by the development (see the website for details). Ask for an independent environmental assessment of the impact of the development on the at-risk species that are currently on the land.

  3. Intensification of activity on the lake. The current plan does not indicate the size or scope of the proposed marina. Ask for: more details and an independent assessment of the impact of such a dramatic increase in boat traffic on the lake.

  4. Three-season accommodation. The are many questions that are unanswered about the proposed three-season residences. The reasons the plan suggests that such residences will be viable are tenuous. For instance, the plan suggests that there is no resource-based tourism here in the winter. This is clearly not true. Ask how will three-season residency be enforced? Will water and sewage services be turned off in the winter? What will be the impact of a dramatic increase in short-term-rentals on the community?

  5. Lack of adequate roads for traffic. There is inadequate infrastructure for the amount of traffic that this resort will generate. Ask for an independent study of the impact of the traffic that this resort would create for the residents of Long Beach and Ranchers Road.

  6. The negative impact on the Long Beach community. The existing Long Beach community will be overwhelmed by this high-end resort literally in its backyard. This resort will completely displace the current community. Ask that an assessment be done to explore the implications on the quality of life and health of the community if this resort moves forward.

  7. Ethical Considerations. In light of the Auditor General and Integrity Commissioner Reports on the Greenbelt Land Swap Scandal, there are legitimate reasons to be concerned about the ethical integrity of this corporation. Ask that Council postpone any decisions regarding Flato’s development proposals until the RCMP has decided whether there are grounds for a criminal investigation into the Greenbelt Land Swap Scandal.


These are just a few suggestions. You may have other concerns or considerations to add. Feel free to contact if you would like assistance with your letter or presentation.



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We are a coalition of local residents, farmers, and business owners involved in environmental protection, affordable housing, and the local food movement. We resist the takeover of our vibrant communities by large corporations.


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