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Environmental Concerns
The farm on which Flato proposes to build estate homes is home to hedgerows and wooded areas that provide habitat for many different birds and mammals.
In addition, the property which will be the site of the golf course is a rare landform called an alvar. Alvars consist of a thin layer of soil over limestone and are home to many rare and unique plants, birds and insects, many of which are threatened species--and some of which are pictured on this page.

Pileated Woodpeckers are seen regularly on the property.
More than 12 birds from the Species at Risk Act can be found on this property. They include some endangered birds (such as the Red-Headed Woodpecker and the Loggerhead Shrike), some threatened birds (such as the Northern Saw-Whet Owl, the Common Nighthawk and the Whip-Poor-Will) and some species of concern (such as the Eastern Wood Peewee, the Savannah Sparrow, and the Grasshopper Sparrow).
Click here for a full list of the bird species that have been seen on this property.
This endangered Red-Headed Woodpecker was photographed on a feeder next to the alvar.
Some of the birds seen on this property nest in holes in dead trees, some nest in shrubs and bushes, and some nest on the ground. Almost all of them are on the migratory protected bird list, and all of them will lose their habitat if this land is cleared.
Click here for a list of the 95 protected migratory bird species found on this property.

This Savannah Sparrow, photographed on the property, is a Species at Risk.

The alvar is also home to many threatened plants such as Prairie Smoke, Wild Basil and Lance-leaved Coreopsis. All of these will disappear if the property is developed.
This rare Prairie Smoke was photographed on the property this spring.
The hedgerows and pasture on the property slated for estate homes, along with the many native grasses and flowers on the land destined for the golf course, provide habitat and food for many insects. In the face of a massive global decline in insect populations, the destruction of these insect habitats during construction will threaten not only these insect populations, but also the bird species that depend on them.

This Tri-coloured Bumblebee was photographed on the property this summer.
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